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Billie: A Western Graphic Novel

Created by Project-Nerd Publishing

Billie is the newest graphic novel from Project-Nerd Publishing, featuring 68 pages of western action!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Billie Team Live on Google Hangout
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 06:53:25 PM

Hey All,

Come check out our chat and see the team work on different aspects of the Billie graphic novel as well as other Project-Nerd Publishing goodies! 

We'll be online for about an hour!

See you there.

Thank You!
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 02:03:24 PM

Hello Billie Supporters!

From everybody working on this project, we extend our deepest gratitude to all of you.

We can't thank you enough for your support in helping this campaign reach amazing heights.

We'll be back in the coming days to update you all on the next steps, stretch goals, and timeline.

Thank you!

The Project-Nerd Publishing Team 

Not Just Another Update!
almost 8 years ago – Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 06:36:28 PM

Hi All,

Can I say wow some more? I can. And I will.

Two stretch goals down, and hopefully many more to go.

As cool as that is, this update is a bit more of a personal update from me (Iggy). I have to extend a massive thank you to each and every one of you. Thanks to my friends who have supported me through this and the other projects we have done. Thanks to the industry experts and insiders who see this as a great project. Thanks to those who have watched Project-Nerd Publishing grow in its first year and continue to show us support. And thank you to the strangers who have stumbled upon this campaign.

Thank you.

My dream to create comics has been with me since I was ten years old. I know there is at least three backers in here that can verify this first hand. I was crafting ideas and recruiting artists in middle school. But like most things in middle school, no creation ever saw the light of day. I then went on and got wrapped up in other things but always revisited the dream again and again until the timing was finally right this past year. Now, Billie will ride along side some of my other creations (that won’t be Kickstarted) in a 2017 that sees me finally creating this dream.

That’s why I say wow. That’s why I say thank you over and over again.

Project-Nerd Publishing is what I like to call a mom-and-pop shop. We are small, humble, and yet also ready to take on the world. We’re making calculated decisions to start or continue projects. It takes gauging interests to determine what’s next and it takes setting up campaigns like this to fund what we are trying to do.

So for the many thank yous I put out there, I know those involved in the brand (Galo, Danielle, Adam, Erin) and those making Billie happen (Michaela, Zack) also extend their gratitude.

Outside of Project-Nerd Publishing, I am also a huge comic fan myself. I enjoy finding great independent projects on Kickstarter and often find myself backing more projects than I anticipated.

If you have some room to back more projects, I wanted to spotlight a few that caught my interest.

If you’re a Western fan, you are backing Billie, you might find some interest in Felipe Cagno’s The Few & The Cursed #2. It’s a western as well, but incredibly different. With fantastic art and an addition of a supernatural element, it’s a story I am interested in learning more about.

You can find it here: 

Fans of all ages and family titles might find some interest in Victoria Jr. and the Under Wunderland. It’s pitched as Day of the Dead meets Alice in Wonderland, and it sounds fantastic. It’s just a few backers away from being converted to hardcover (via stretch goal).

Go learn more about it here: 

Of course, I want to say thank you one more time before closing this long status update. This project is only possible because of you. Project-Nerd Publishing is only possible because of people like you. We are very thankful for that and hope to wow you with Billie and the many other great things to come.

Thank you.

Iggy & The Project-Nerd Publishing Team

It's Over 5,000!
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 09:22:17 AM

Wow! Just Wow!

First I should say hi. But second I'll say you crazy and awesome folks pushed Billie over $5000 in just 8 days!

Clearly, we hit our first stretch goal. Bookmarks and Google Hangouts are a go. We're more than halfway to the next goal, cool old-fashioned wooden nickels. Custom ones at that.

Remember, sharing is caring. I'll keep making a huge deal about it because that's the way things like this become successful; fans and friends sharing. You can use the image below on social media or email if you know somebody that might be interested in Billie.

Thank you again for all the support. We have a convention this weekend, but after that I'll make sure some updates include a few more pages, both finished and unfinished.

And if you are in the Colorado Springs area this weekend, come see us at Colorado Cosmic Con so I can say thanks in person!

Thank you.

Iggy & The Project-Nerd Publishing Team

Billie Continues to Ride!
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 04:16:11 PM

Hi Billie Supporters.

I'll figure out a consistent and good salutation at some point. Until then, let's talk Billie.

The first stretch goal (Bookmarks and Google Hangouts) is less than $100 away. We are excited as this is the first time we've offered either of those perks for any of our titles or campaigns. Shortly after that it's Wooden Nickels, which is also a first.

Remember, the more people you bring into the campaign the better shot you have at getting extra perks added to your pledge at no additional charge. Get the word out and help us grow. The additional funds will make Billie, and all of Project-Nerd Publishing, that much better.

The campaign's success (thanks to all of you) continues to get recognized with Billie being added to Kickstarter's Projects We Love list and sites like Geeks World Wide, The Grid Daily, Bleeding Cool, and others doing coverage on the campaign. If you all find an article or any kind of coverage from a website out there, please let us know as we'd love to see it.

Other than that, just another big fat thank you right here. We're excited to see the interest in Billie and her friend's as they battle the Drask Gang in the Wild West. Zack, Michaela, and I are hard at work getting more pages done so we can get Billie to you as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Iggy & The Project-Nerd Publishing Team